Saturday, May 12, 2007

Billy Ashpole Schedule

Dear Pastor:

Enclosed is my schedule that I sent to our Hmong Leader, Pastor Lee. I would like to come to your church and preach for you again.

I have been with my brother Dan for two Sundays already. April 29th and May 6th.
May 13th - Wells A/G - Pastor Bessler
May 20th - Open
May 27th - Pastor Heurh in St. Paul.
June 3rd - My 78th Birthday - Pastor Lovaj in Green Bay, Wisconsin. We will stay with our Son, Brent and his wife, Bobbie and two Grandchildren who live in DePere, WI.
June 10th - Pastor Chang in Eau Claire, WI
June 17th - Pastor Seleshi - Ethiopian A/G in Minneapolis, MN.
June 24th - Open
June 29th - July 8th - We will have our RV at the A/G Minnesota Family Camp and attend for those ten days.
June 15th - 22- 29th - Open
August 5th - 9th - A/G General Presbyters and Council Meeting in Indianapolis.
August 12th - Sept. 9th Tsukuba International Christian Assembly in Japan.
September 16th till October 28th - Open.
We are in Alden, MN. on the farm. Bonnie Lou may not go with me to Japan, but our son, Pastor Bryan Ashpole from Gig Harbor, Washington is planning to go with me. My cell is still the same 2-808-228-1357 and the farm Phone is 1-507-874-3869.

Bill Ashpole Ministries
57 Ilima Street
Wahiawa, Hi 96786