Christmas Letter
Bill Ashpole Ministries
57 Ilima St.
Wahiawa, Hawaii 96786
December 2007
Dear Loved Ones:
"And Mary shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins." Matt 1:21
Again, Bonnie Lou and I were so privileged to bring the Gospel to so many churches and especially Ethnic people this past year. We have seen so many come to Christ, healed and filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit on the mainland and here in Hawaii.
In July we had an Ashpole Brothers Reunion in Wells, Minnesota and some 50 of our families attended. It was so good to see them all and we had a great time together. Brenda, Brent, Bobbie and family were able to come.
In August I spent 5 Sundays in Japan. Our son and daughter-in-law, Bryan & Shirley went with me. They Pastored the Tsukuba Christian Assembly and I also ministered in Yokoda and Tokyo. We had a wonderful revival while we were there. I want to thank Joyce Kitano for inviting us to come. The people in Japan were so cordial to us. Bonnie Lou stayed with her two sisters in Minnesota and she also had a wonderful time.
In October we went to see Brent, Bobbie, Josiah, and Jocelyn in DePere, Wisconsin and on the 30th little 9 lb 1oz James Robert Ioani (John) arrived. Baby James is our 9th Grandchild.
We celebrated our 57th Wedding Anniversary October 16th going out to dinner and touring the Spam Museum in Austin, MN. All of our Hawaii Spam Lovers would love the Tour.
May you have a Wonderful Christmas, Celebrating Jesus' Birthday and have a Happy New Year with God's Richest Blessings on you and yours.
In His Service,
Billy and Bonnie Lou Ashpole
57 Ilima Street
Wahiawa, Hi 96786