Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Billy Ashpole


I wished that you could have been with Bonnie Lou and me for breakfast. We had papaya from our own tree. Papaya is a fruit that tastes a little like cantaloupe. After you get used to the taste, you will love it. It is also good to settle stomach problems. Also planted around our house are banana plants, plus orange and tangerine trees. When my brother Dale and his wife Shirley from Mankato, and her brother Bob and wife Aoltei Roessler from Minnesota Lake, were with us for three weeks in February, they thought the fruit was the best that they had ever tasted. It was sure wonderful to have our family with us since we are over 4000 miles out in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean.

We also had our son Bryan and his wife Shirley from Gig Harbor, WA with us for two weeks. Bryan was eleven years of age when we came to the Island of Kauai. When he graduated from high school, he attended college on the Mainland near Seattle, WA. While here, they enjoyed a few days seeing friends and sites on Kauai for the first time in 22 years.

It is hard to believe that we have now lived over 40 years in the Islands of Hawaii and have traveled thousands of miles, preaching in many of the Islands of the South Pacific and also the Atlantic Ocean. This summer, for about five weeks along with Bryan and Shirley, I ministered in Japan in English speaking churches. It was a wonderful experience. Talk about the cost of living in Minnesota and here in Hawaii, wait till you get to Japan. It is very expensive there!

Lately I was thinking of my Wells High School classmates Jeannine Her father was the Editor of the Wells Mirror. Jeannine played the piano while I sang for the school music talent contest. I called her recently and it was good to hear her voice and talk about our high school days. The time has flown by and it is wonderful to have what the song states, "OLD FRIENDS."

On Sunday morning, May 18th, I will be preaching at the Wells Assembly of God church on Broadway in their 10:30 AM service. I would desire that all of my friends and classmates attend. You have been such a part of Bonnie Lou's and my life.

International Missionary Evangelist
57 Ilima Street
Wahiawa, Hawaii 96786
www.ashpolebam.org - ashpolebam@gmail.com