Friday, December 05, 2008


57 Ilima St.

Wahaiwa, Hawaii 96786

1-808-888-4510 –




Dear Friends:                                                                                                                    December 2008


Aloha in the wonderful name of Jesus!


It is so wonderful that we can still worship and celebrate Jesus’ Birth. We need to tell everyone about the Good News for we feel that we are living closer to the End Time and our Savour  is  coming and may the Joy of His coming touch your life and bring Peace to your heart. This beautiful story is found in your Bible in Luke 2:8-16.


Bonnie Lou and I have had an exciting year. Our ministry in Hawaii, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri &  Arkansas has been very rewarding as we minister in their Assemblies and also in so many of the Ethnic A/G churches. Souls are saved, healed and filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the altar time goes on a long time for the people are so hungry for God. Wished that you could have been with us .These pastors have been very good to us and show us such high respect even though we are getting older.


Mele Kalikimaka is Merry Christmas here in Hawaii and may you have a Blessed New Year.


Mahalo (thank you) for your prayers and support.




Billy & Bonnie Lou