I Believe in Miracles
Dear Prayer Partners:
Following a cardiogram test a few weeks ago, I sat in the doctor’s office, intently listening to his report. “The test results show that you have had a recent heart attack and several small ones.”
Heart attack. These words sounded freshly familiar. It was only last September that my wife, Bonnie Lou, had a heart attack followed by open heart surgery - a triple bypass and a heart valve replacement at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
This time, the words were directed to me. I thought about how, in the past, I had experienced atrial fibrillation and ended up twice in intensive care. Now, I would need tests to assess the attack damage and reason for my racing and skipping heart beat. First, I would have an echogram, followed by an angiogram.
A few days before the angiogram, I was feeling so much better, that I decided to not have the test and told Bonnie Lou my decision. However, with all she had just experienced, she insisted I get it. Further, if I was healed, the test would prove it.
I did feel good. So good, in fact, that I went out that day to the beach with my son and daughter-in-law, Bryan and Shirley, for lunch and swimming. I continued to feel good. A few nights before the scheduled angiogram, I played basket ball with my son, Brad, and even tried out his new boxing bag.
The next morning, Bryan took me to the hospital for the test. My hanai son, Pastor John Carlson, also came to be with me. I put on a hospital gown and was taken in for the test while Bryan and John went for breakfast at the hospital café. In the surgical room, they prepped me for the test with a light sedative, put in an IV, and inserted a big needle in the groin of my paralyzed right leg. (When I was 16 years of age, I had polio and was hospitalized for five months. It was there that Jesus appeared at the foot of my bed and I committed my life to Him. Then, He gave me a vision to tell the ethnic groups about Him.)
Now on the surgical table, the diagnostic dye coursed through my artery and veins to my heart, followed by the long wire to check for any blockage in my heart and arteries. After the procedure, I had to lay flat on the bed for four hours. Although I didn’t enjoy that part, the nurses were wonderful and great news was soon mine. The cardiologist came in and reported that there was no blockage and no sign of any damage from a heart attack. She claimed that the other test had to have been wrong. I believe that my feeling good the last number of days was clear confirmation that I had been miraculously healed.
What do you think happened?
International Missionary Evangelist
Bill Ashpole Ministries
57 Ilima St.
Wahiawa, HI. 96786