Honoring Powerful Women of God~
In celebration of Mother's Day
2 Timothy 1:5, 6 -3:14, 15
2 Timothy 1:5 When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.
2 Timothy 1:6 Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.
2 Timothy 3:14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
2 Timothy 3:15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
Timothy's grandmother Lois and mother, Eunice, were Jewish, but became believers In Christ Jesus later. It is said that his mother married an unbeliever, a Greek, who also later became a follower of Jesus. Eunice raised her son, Timothy, with the word of God along with his grandmother Lois' help. Timothy eventually became the pastor of the largest church in Ephesus! Thank you, Lord, for these Powerful Women of God!
Growing up, my mother, Emily became a Christian after she married my father. Even though she and my father were members of a denominational church, they did not commit their hearts fully to Christ till years later. During the depression, Dad worked for the WPA in bridgework for 50 cents a day. He struggled to support our large family on such a small salary.
I was born in the early depression days of 1929. I remember one Sunday, when I was a small child, my dad told mom that he was not going to church and told mom that she was not going to go either. My high spirited mother, being committed to Christ told him, Yes, she WAS going!
My mother took her other hand and slapped my dad hard on the face. She exclaimed: "You will NEVER stop me from putting Jesus first in my life!". I screamed, "daddy, you leave my mom alone!" And we marched out of our home and walked to church. Mom had no trouble going to church after that and my dad also came with us. He later committed his life fully to our Lord Jesus! Thank you Lord, for this Powerful Woman of God!
When Bonnie Lou and I came to Hawaii in 1967, we had many mothers and women that adopted our family into our lives. It was wonderful because we were so many thousand miles from our home state of Minnesota. Some of these blessed women were the Bloom sisters who pastored Bethany Assembly. Pastor and Sister Okuhara, Pastor and Sister Blake.
In turn, Bonnie Lou has become mom to so many Pastors and their families, along with many of our Island people here in Hawaii, throughout the South Pacific and Atlantic Islands and halfway around the world.
Twice, I was with Youth with a Mission in the Bahama Islands and the Samoan Islands. I was in charge of a group of college students and I was their Evangelist for three months at a time.
When Pastor Chris and Sister Bartolome (from Bethel Chapel Assembly in Waipahu) went to the Philippines, they called me away to speaking engagements. Bonnie Lou always encouraged me to fulfill my calling. She never complained about all the guests she has hosted throughout the years - there have been hundreds of missionaries and evangelists that I would invite over for dinner, etc.
Bonnie Lou has traveled with me thousands of miles by car, motor home and via air, serving in ministry. There were crusades, camps, District Council meetings, General Councils, revivals. My dear wife has also helped Women's Crusades in the Pacific Islands. The largest one was in the Marshall Islands for a week teaching on prayer with a thousand women attending!
Bonnie Lou is the perfect wife and mom to our family. She is now 89 years of age and I can hear God say: "Bonnie Lou, well done thou good and faithful servant!!"
Now, our children Brenda and Bradley are helping us here at our home to care for both Bonnie Lou and I in this season of our lives. Our son Bryan and his wife, Shirley, are pastoring Honolulu Assembly here in Hawaii.
Brent and Bobbie are in Children's Ministries in DePere, Wisconsin. We also had a son, Dennis, who went to be with Jesus at the age of one year old.
I cannot say enough about Bonnie Lou for she has always been by my side in our calling to obey our Lord, Jesus. Thank you Lord, for this Powerful Woman of God!
Bill Ashpole Ministries
Pastor William Ashpole
Cell: 808-228-1357
57 Ilima St.
Wahiawa, Hawaii 96786