Why do we Worry?
Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
As you know, my daughter, Brenda and I just returned from several weeks on the mainland to take Bonnie Lou's ashes back to Wells, Minnesota where we are both from. We had a very nice service and her ashes were interred at the Alden Cemetery.
I preached for four Sundays in Wells, Minnesota and ministered to people wherever we went. They were so many that were willing to receive the Gospel of Jesus. We had five weeks to see our friends and traveled hundreds of miles by car and some ten thousand miles via plane through several states. What a privilege it was to pray with each one who sat by me and minister to them as we shared part of our journey together.
"Anxious" in the scripture above tells us not to worry, but on our return to Hawaii I came down with pneumonia. I must confess, I was weary from my travels and was discouraged that I had started my trip in pain from dental problems and now came home to be sick with pneumonia.
I cried out to God and asked, "Why, Lord, am I going through such pain and suffering. I have been so involved working for you. I've given my all to you." Do you know what I heard Him say to me? He said, "You are not trusting me enough. Even if Bonnie Lou is with me in Heaven and she is not at your side, I will take care of you and your ministry. I allowed this to happen to you so that you will hear what I want for you in the future. Your age is not what I am concerned about. I want you to spend more time with me so you can know about me and spend time with me in every situation. Be thankful in every situation, be thankful, and then by prayer and petition present your requests to God. Then my peace will transcend all your understanding, and this will guard your heart and mind and whatever happens to you, I will always be with you."
I have spent hours in His Word reading half of the book of Psalm, praying. At first, our Lord seemed so far away from me but as I praised and sang worship songs, His spirit of peace came over me.
As I am still recovering from pneumonia, I have spent many nights sitting up in bed, but I know that this will be over soon. When you are eighty nine years of age, it is still hard to go through the trials that come your way, but victory comes after many mornings and it is so wonderful to have His peace! I have His blessed assurance that it will be so!
Would you like to have this peace that only comes from God? Then pray for His peace through knowing Him. Receive Him into your heart and worship and praise him and He PROMISES that He will always be with you.