Wednesday, March 28, 2018

FW: January, 2018 Newsletter



Subject: January, 2018 NEWSLETTER





January, 2018



Dear Fellow Believer in Christ:

Greetings in the name of our Lord! 
We pray that you are in good health and that God is with you daily! 



  • Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!  2 Corinthians 5:17




Follow Me


"And He said unto them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."


"While he (Jesus) was walking by the lake of Galilee he saw two brothers, Simon (Peter) and Andrew, casting their large net into the water. They were fishermen, so Jesus said to them, "Follow me and I will teach you to catch men!"At once they left their nets and followed him."

Matthew 4:18-20 (J.B. Phillips translation)


When I gave my life completely to Jesus at the age of sixteen while in a Minneapolis Polio Hospital, my only desire was to follow Him and "catch" people- men, women, boys and girls-for Jesus. Despite all my training, I realize that this can only be done through the power of the Holy Spirit. He opens their hearts, increases understanding and allows the fullness of Jesus to explode in their being.


We are living in a time that we need to commit our entire lives to Christ. My Bonnie Lou is now with Jesus and I am happy for her but I still miss her so. When I first began my relationship withBonnie Lou, my heart went crazy- I felt so in love! When I gave her the engagement ring, I thought my heart was going to explode! All of those feelings were so wonderful but none compared to the feeling I experienced when we both stood before our pastor and I gave Bonnie Lou her wedding ring. We pledged our lives to each other and in doing so, she became mine and I became hers.It was so much more thanjust saying, "I love you, Bonnie Lou."When we signed our names on the marriage certificate, it was a commitment for life- to love and be true to each other forever.


Similarly, when we commit our heart and life to Jesus it is a forever decision- for Eternal Life! I had 67 marvelous years of love and joy with Bonnie Lou and while that may seem like a long time here on earth, it is nothing compared to what eternity will be like in heaven with Jesus. That is forever and ever! Why live alone in this life when we can have Jesus living in our hearts here on earth and also the promise of spending eternity with Him in heaven forever!


Since I gave my heart to Jesus at age 16, I have spent almost every day of my 88 (and a half!) years of life in ministry. Last Sunday I was asked to minister at a Christmas party for the homeless and it was such a joy to see these people receive Jesus as their personal Saviour. Now they,too, can help others to understand and receive Jesus into their hearts and lives.


At the party, I was reacquainted with a young man who has been homeless for some time. Through his struggles, he gave his heart to Jesus and is now involved in teaching Sunday School for children. He has recently started working at a new job and when I saw him at a Christmas dinner for seniors this past week, he was even wearing a suit! What a happy looking man!While many areas of his life are improving, he is still homeless. He has not let this affect his commitment to Christ though- he is still reaching people for Jesus right where he is.


While none of us may have the perfect life or circumstances, Jesus can still use us in and through those circumstances. I miss my Bonnie Lou and don't like going through life without her but I have Jesus in my heart and that is enough. I am thrilled to be involved, busy and moving forward. My focus is on "fishing" for men, women, boys and girls in order for them to find Jesus and invite Him into their lives.


                     What are you doing?

                  Let's go fishing together!


Pastor Bill Ashpole


                                                                                                                    Pastor William Ashpole 

                          Cell:  808-228-1357

 57 Ilima St.

Wahiawa, Hawaii 96786








Feeding the spirit, feeding the body ~ Enjoy  this month's recipe:


Sparkling Apple Cider
















  • 12 ounces apple juice concentrate frozen
  • 1 liter sparkling water
  • 3 cups ice
  • cinnamon sticks
  • apple slices


  1. In a 2 quart pitcher add apple juice concentrate and sparkling water. Stir to combine. 
  1. Add 3 cups of ice. 
  1. Add cinnamon sticks and apple slices to garnish.  


We welcome your comments or requests for prayer.  May God continue to lead you and bless you!  If you feel led to support our ministry, send your check to the address below.



William Ashpole

Bill Ashpole Ministries
57 Ilima St, Wahiawa, Hawaii 96786


Bill Ashpole Ministries | |



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Bill Ashpole Ministries, 57 Ilima Street, Wahiawa, HI 96786



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